Here’s what’s happening - in 2021, two operators (N5HA, Kenneth Bailey & W9AV, Clint Sprott) managed to work at least 1 park every day. My goal for 2022 is to do the same by hunting at least 1 park every UTC day, and secondarily, to try and write a short post about the day’s first contact. If you want to play along, feel free - I’ll be sharing updates about it during the monthly POTA updates that I prepare for the various ham radio media outlets.
now that you’re in the know about the Baily-Sprott Challenge, here’s the scoop for today:
Bailey-Sprott Challenge Update
Day 11 marks the day where I’ve made my earliest park-a-day contact. Since we in ham-land measure everything by the UTC day, the day rolls over at 7pm local time for me. In POTA we refer to the first few hours of each UTC day as the ‘Late Shift’ because here in the US, that ends up being late afternoon and into the night, depending on your timezone. I managed to get one of these Late Shift contacts with James, KB2FMH who was burning the midnight oil at K-2152. I was glad to get to call out James in one of these posts, because he has been active in POTA since the beginning. I’m pretty sure I’ve even got him in some of my NPOTA logs from back in 2016. If you’ve activated or hunted with any regularity, I’d be willing to bet you’ve had a QSO with him at some point too :-)