A Map of the area surrounding Witmer Pennsylvania

N3VEM Repeater Rebuild

Milestone in Progress. Fundraising for this effort will continue until September 2024.

The machine is currently on the air with temporary hardware. This milestone is broken into these primary groups:

Fundraiser Levels:

  1. Level 1 Goal: $0 - $500 : Goal Met! : with inventory on hand, this level will enable getting a “2 Mobiles and a Duplexer” repeater on the air.

  2. Level 2 Goal: $500 - $700 : with inventory on hand, funding this level will enable us to get a mostly ‘like for like’ used repeater on the air.

  3. Level 3 Goal: $700 + : with inventory on hand, funding this level will enable us to replace the current aging machine with a Yeasu DR-2X by leveraging the April 2024 - September 2024 System Fusion Repeater Installation Program.

Visit the N3VEM Repeater Website