The r4e Project (Repeaters 4 Everyone!) is not part of a formal organization, but is rather a passion project of Vance, N3VEM. I am incredibly grateful to anyone who would like to help the project out, but please consider that your contribution is a personal gift, and not eligible as a tax deduction.
Contribute Money
If you have friends or family in need, please give to them first! This is a passion project, as part of my hobby, and it should never take precedence over the well being of someone in your life!
If you have taken care of those around you, and are fortunate enough to be able to help projects like this, please feel free to give money here.
Send check or money order to:
Vance Martin
PO Box 23
Witmer PA 17585
or lastly:
Feel free to donate directly to any repeater owner/operator listed as part of the project!
Contribute Equipment
Do you have, or plan to buy, equipment that you could donate to the project? Please contact me, N3VEM (I’m good on QRZ!) for shipping address information, or to arrange a meetup to give equipment in person, if you are close to one of our sites, or a potential future site.
Helpful Equipment Donations:
- Used or new repeaters
- Duplexers
- Commercial grade mobile radios (in pairs is even better!)
- Controllers / Controller Interfaces
- Low-Loss Coax and Fittings
- Vertical Antennas (VHF and/or UHF)
- Masts / Tower Components
- note - not currently interested in full towers. Even if a tower is ‘free’ the costs and effort associated with erecting one are beyond our current scope.
- Portable Test Equipment
- Small Form Factor Computers
- Computer Accessory Cables (USB -> Micro USB, Network, etc.)
- Small server racks/panels
- Outdoor equipment enclosures
Contribute Space and Labor
Do you have a space (the eve of your house, space on your tower, a tower at your club site, etc), and the time, to host one of the project Repeaters? As we complete milestones and look to find locations to put more repeaters, we’ll need people with the physical space and willingness to spend time installing and maintaining them. If you’re interested, reach out to N3VEM via his address on QRZ for details.
Enroll an Existing Repeater
Do you love the idea of this project, and just want to make your current repeater part of the network? It’s crazy simple! Just set up your repeater to meet the requirements for repeaters in the program, and let Vance know, so that your machine can get added to the list!