If you're just now stumbling in here - I'll fill you in...
My wife and I have been playing a tidying game called "The minimalist game." We're not really minimalists - we're just normal (mostly) people who, just like many others, have accumulated a lot of stuff. In my case there is all kinds of hardware and nic-nacs that I saved "just in case." To help weed all the stuff out, you being on the 1st of the month by getting rid of 1 thing. On the second, you get rid of 2 things. It's now the 27th, so.....
My wife and I have been playing a tidying game called "The minimalist game." We're not really minimalists - we're just normal (mostly) people who, just like many others, have accumulated a lot of stuff. In my case there is all kinds of hardware and nic-nacs that I saved "just in case." To help weed all the stuff out, you being on the 1st of the month by getting rid of 1 thing. On the second, you get rid of 2 things. It's now the 27th, so.....