If you're not sure what the minimalist game is, join the club! I didn't know until a couple weeks ago when my YL suggested we play. Basically, in the interest of simplifying, it's a way to ease yourself into getting rid of stuff (junk) you don't need! You start on the 1st of the month by getting rid of 1 thing, 2 on the second, 3 on the third, and so forth. Since we're up to the 6th, here's whats getting booted for my contribution!
1 scribble filled notebook from the bank, another copy of mapping software for a handheld device (I'm starting to wonder why I'm finding so many copies of map software...) 1 pack of binder reinforcements, a pack of spare palm pilot stylus (styluses? stylie? whats the plural of that?!) an old ear piece that everyone said sounded like junk, and a pedometer.