I will be traveling to Ft Myers, FL at the end of January / Beginning of February. During this trip I will be activating Big Cypress National Preserve for the US Division of the World Wide Flora and Fauna program. Since I am traveling for work, my operating time will be in the evenings, after my work day ends. I can't give exact start times, but look for me sometime after 20:00utc on January 30th, January 31st, and/or February 1st. I'll be sticking primarily to 20 meters and 40 meters for this one, mostly SSB, but potentially some CW as well. Watch the cluster, the POTA facebook group, and the WWFF facebook group, as these are all the places that you'll likely see notifications that I'm on the air. |
N3VEMThe posts you see here are the list of events I am participating in, in reverse chronological order, so be sure to scroll down to make sure you don't miss anything that's coming up sooner than the first one you see! Check back often to see where I'll be headed. County, Grid Square, and any other types of hunters - feel free to contact me if you see that I'm going to be somewhere that you're chasing, and I'm always willing to set up a schedule! Archives
August 2017