I had a slightly tighter schedule this time around because stops 10 and 11 were both at parks that closed at sunset. This meant that all my stops leading up to those had to stay pretty much on schedule. Once I finished those stops though, I was able to spend a little extra time at my last stop, Green Springs. Enough about me though, because really, the whole day was about me if you think about it. With that in mind, instead of talking about myself, this post will be for you, the chasers. Since everyone loves stats, this post will be NPOTAthon 2.0, by the numbers.
setting the stage
the results are in
Top 5
Tied for 6th place, with 4 contacts each
tied for 7th Place, with 3 contacts each
Tied for 8th place, with 2 contacts each
farthest contact
persistent operator award
KM4I@DZ08, NU0Q@DZ03, W5DRR@DZ03
good ears award
phew! that was close! award
Vance: "This is N3VEM, are you there Nick?"
Nick: "Yes I am!"
After doing the proper exchange following that, Nick, KC1DKY was able to sneak a contact in at what was a new park for him, right as I was slipping out of the park. That quick contact also gave a couple others the chance to sneak in right before I left, so with Nick leading the charge by getting his foot in the door, here were the "Phew! That Was Close!" award winners:
wrapping it up
- I had a blast, even though I forgot to eat for most of the day! (Luckily I had plenty of water and coffee)
- I made my first ever contacts on 80 meters - I had never actually tried using my 80 meter hamstick, figuring it was probably such an inefficient antenna, that it wasn't worth bothering with. A couple folks requested 80 meters though so I stuck it on the car, checked it with the antenna analyzer to see what part of the band I could use it on, and called. And people answered. Just goes to show you that you really shouldn't overthink it - just try stuff and see what works! If only I had tried 80m at my first three, pre-dawn, stops I might have gotten all 12...
- I need a screwdriver antenna (*N3VEM pokes his YL*) - if I had the ability to change bands quicker I probably could have handed out a lot more contacts. When you're on a tight timeframe, swapping hamsticks in and out can really eat into the operating time.