Post Contains Affiliate Links It dawned on me that it has been quite a while since I've done any digital modes work from home. I think the last time I did, I was still using my GutterTenna as my primary home antenna. That simply had to change! Tonight I dug my SignaLink out of the pile, brought it up to my temporary shack in the master bedroom closet, hooked every thing up, set the levels, and made a contact. Awesome! This might seem like a small victory, but usually by the time I can get on the radio at night, there is a sleeping baby on the other side of the wall. This eliminates any mode that makes noise after about 23:00 UTC. I've been slowly working on my CW, but even that is challenging at night. The side tones and static are enough to stir him, but if I wear headphones so I don't disturb him, I also can't hear him if he needs me. Digital modes to the rescue! Using digital modes, I can make contacts without making any sound (other than they typing on my keyboard) AND I can keep my ears peeled for the sounds that mean daddy is needed. If you're on the air in the evenings, look for me hanging around the HF digital frequencies! Time for a new slogan - "Digital Modes: letting babies sleep and parents play radio all night long!"
Doug W3COB
10/31/2017 14:27:09
I'll look for you! What are your favorite modes? Personally I'm not a fan of JT65 or FT8. Doesn't seem like a real contact (omg am I becoming a ham purist?) PSK31 is kinda my first stop, but i also like Olivia for it's ability to work in poor propagation. Another fun mode is Hellschreiber. Almost like an old school ticker-tape, it paints text graphically across your screen.
Vance - N3VEM
10/31/2017 15:08:05
Sounds good Doug! I haven't really delved into the WSJT modes either, other than downloading the software and watching the decodes. My go-to for digital is still PSK31. In the evenings I'm most likely to be on 40meters, maybe 80 on occasion. Hope to catch you there!
John ve3ips
11/5/2017 10:00:05
Great post and shows how one can still " get hamming" with lousy antennas and a keyboard and headphones
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- N3VEM - Welcome to my Ham Radio Blog! This blog was started primarily to share my two concurrent shack builds - my mobile station and my home station. Over time, this has grown to include sharing about my operations, and general radio-related thoughts that I have as a newer operator. Proving that hams do indeed still build stuff!
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September 2020