-Captain Barbossa
(Pirates of the Caribbean)
One night before bed, I happened to flip open my copy of the ARRL handbook, which sits on my nightstand (yup - that's the kind of geek I am.) Just a couple pages into the handbook is the Amateur's Code. If you want to read the whole thing you can find it on the ARRL's Webpage, but I wanted to point out a specific section that spoke to me.
The Radio Amateur is:
Balanced...radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community.
For me, that time is starting now! Since I don't have class again till the fall, I'm hoping to get some more of my project work done (I've made some pretty decent progress on the basement shack - I'll share about that soon) and get more time on the air (maybe some WWFF activations at the parks near my house). Most importantly, I'll just have fun doing whatever radio stuff I happen to have time to do!